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Throwback > The New York Times, June 23, 1999: "Such Fresh Ingredients: The Chef as Beefcake"

Throwback > The New York Times, June 23, 1999: "Such Fresh Ingredients: The Chef as Beefcake"

I was honored to be quoted here in The New York Times about the burgeoning intersection of chefs and fashion back in 1999, when I was a senior editor at the late, great lad-mag, P.O.V.

In August, both Vogue and P.O.V. magazine will feature chefs in fashion spreads. Anthony Giglio, a senior editor at P.O.V., a monthly manual for ambitious twentysomethings, said that the chefs’ publicity people were more than eager to place their clients in the spread.

’’I must have called 20 reps for this story,’’ he said. ‘’And every single one of them had head shots ready to send overnight. They ranged from straightforward, in whites with toque, to surreal fashion poses, like the one of John Villa’’ of Park View at the Boathouse in Central Park. He was, Mr. Giglio recalled, ‘’in black jeans and a black muscle T-shirt walking his Doberman — the women on the staff were swooning.’’
— The New York Times
Throwback > The New York Times: "Shopping With Anthony Giglio: A Cup of Good Cheer"

Throwback > The New York Times: "Shopping With Anthony Giglio: A Cup of Good Cheer"